Fire Department

Garland Fire Hall                        170 4th Street                        Garland, Nebraka 68360


Mission Statement:  The mission of the Garland Volunteer Fire Department is to provide the highest possible level of fire protection, rescue, and hazard mitigation services to the community.  This shall be accomplished with a team of volunteers that provide fire prevention, public education, emergency operations, and planning.

Service Statement:  The Garland Volunteer Fire Department provides fire protection and emergency service to the community through a team of dedicated volunteers.  The department accomplishes this task through Administration, Suppression, Training and Fire Prevention/Support Services.  Administrative functions of the department including policy development; efficient use of personnel and equipment; the procurement of materials, supplies, apparatus, and facilities; the preparation of proposed budgets; and the maintenance of adequate records.  Fire Suppression Division is primarily responsible for the suppression of fires; this is accomplished through our fire station operated by the volunteer firefighters.  The Training Division is responsible for firefighter training.  Each year firefighter's are required to attend classes totaling 24 hours divided between classroom and ground instruction.  Each firefighter must also respond to 30 percent of the incidents. The Fire Prevention Division is responsible for fire safety educaiton in the community, and support servies to the department.

Purpose:  The Garland Volunteer Fire Department was organized to safeguard the residences and the property of the Garland district area from the threat of fire.  The Garland Volunteer Fire Department is also intended to function as an advanced exterior and interior structural firefighting unit and provide Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) level aid and transport from the scene of a medical emergency.

Membership:  Any resident in the Garland Volunteer Fire Department district area of responsibility is welcome to join the Fire Department.  Fire Department members are required to wear the emergency paging radios, attend meetings, attend multiple training events each year and respond to all types of emergencies.  Fire Department members must be willing and physically capable of taking the training provided by the department to proficiently perform Fire Department tasks.  Potential members are thoroughly interviewed, background checks are performed and Village Board approval is required.

Organization:  The Garland Volunteer Fire Department is headed by a Fire Chief, assistant Fire Chief and President.  Other officers include:  Secretary/Treasurer, Training Officer, Assistant Training Officer, Trustees, Medical Captain, and Lieutenant Medical Captain.

If you are witnessing a crime in progress or are experiencing an emergency, please dial 911.

Contact Info

Jason Swerczek
Fire Chief
170 4th Street Garland, Nebraska 68360
(402) 616-2993

Jake Bennett
Assistant Chief

James Pliefke

Brian Johnson
Training Captain

Assistant Training Captain

Nicole Wegman

Mike Luebbe
Medical Captain

Terri Schrad
Medical Lieutenant

Nick Becker

Austin Sayer

Jake Swerczek
